Московская область


2 оценки и 1 отзыв

Сфера деятельности компании «Герцль» в Москве относится к услугам в сфере миграции.

«Герцль» находится в Москве, на ул. Сущёвская, 27с2.

Телефоны: +7 (495) 191-15-80.

Отзывы о компании «Герцль»

Новожилов Игорь Леонидович
Не проверен
Lord God Almighty Almighty Jesus Christ Son of God in the Holy Trinity glorified and sung by All the Holy Angels of God by the prayers of All the Saints of God, filling with all the Wisdom of God all the lists of those sentenced to death, lists of those sentenced to extermination, lists of those sentenced to execution or discrimination, lists of selective social segregations, lists compiled for the mockery of nations, through the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Most Merciful Savior, Most Generous Helmsman, Most Kind Shepherd, accept those raised to the Holy Throne of God, standing above All the Heavens of God, in the Wonderful Light of All the Truths of God and in the Wondrous Radiance of All the Truths of God, in the Heavenly Palaces of God, shrouded in eternal glory, honor, praise, worship and thanksgiving, from All Beings dwelling in All Universes of God and enlighten the Whole World of God covering with the Grace of the Holy Spirit of God, delivering from all sorrowful troubles and from all sorrowful calamities the twelve tribes of the People of God, the People of the Holy Israel, the People of the Holy King Solomon the Righteous and the People of the Holy King David the Righteous, sanctify and illuminate the roads of righteousness and the paths of holiness, with the Holy Heavenly Fire of God, a burning blazing flame, vividly shading the texture, all the movements of All Times of God, before the Chosen of God showing pictures revealing the real state of affairs in countries and in states showing a clear understanding of what is happening in the Whole World of God, the Whole Holy Hierarchy of Heavenly God now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

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